Today, Sylvester, we believe God wants you to know that ... the change you seek begins with yourself.
When you want the world to change, lead by example, and others are sure to follow.
(From FaceBook's "Message from God")
... And when the world does not follow - that's okay too. Move on and make the change you want. (Syl)
The first step toward change is recognition. Recognize that you have had at least a few hopes and wishes come true. Unexpectedly, without your having to do anything, people have called on the phone just when you needed to talk to them, help has come from unseen quarters, prayers have been answered. All of this happening in the field. When you have an intention and send it to the universal awareness, you are actually talking to yourself in another form. As the sender of a message, you are an individual living here in time and space. But you are also the receiver of the message, in your guise as a higher self presiding over your space-time identity. And even more than this, you are the medium of the message, pure awareness itself.
To see yourself truly you need to see yourself as having these three aspects: sender, receiver, and medium. There are many variations of the theme: you are the wish, the wisher, and the granter of wishes. You are the observer, the observed, and the process of observation. This threefold state is known as unity.
In truth, none of the mind's darkness is sin. "Always remember," Merlin cautioned the boy Arthur, "God does not judge, only the mind does." Having all your heartfelt wishes come true is what God wants for each person; it is our natural state as creators of our own reality.
(DC. The Way of the Wizard)
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