04 May 2020

Focus on the NOW (present) (Part 3 of 5)

It has been said: we experience “depression” when we live in the past, and “anxiety” when we live in the future. We forget that all we have, really, is the present – the NOW.

When you are with your child/spouse (whoever), try to immerse yourself fully in the moment putting aside “I should have done this and that earlier / yesterday / etc.” or “I need to do this and that later on.” Many of us have been conditioned to constantly be thinking of the next moment or the past. 

We may be thinking about all the things we should have done or could have done and didn't do. Alternatively, we may be thinking of all the things we did but now wish we didn't. No amount of regret or guilt is going to be able to change our past. All that energy spent in looking at the past does no good in changing it. What has been, has been. The only good guilt and regret can do for us if we take them to spur us onwards. Learn the lesson they give. And then move on to correct "mistakes" made.

Similarly, we are also conditioned to look only at the future. Worrying that this or that may happen. What if this .. what if that? Filling our minds with all the what ifs and worrying about this and that will not do us any good. However, if we consider what we can do to make things better and then act on them - they may do us some good. Once a plan has been made and action taken, we need to let it proceed as it will without constantly ruminating on it. All the worries about tomorrow will similarly produce nothing.

All we really have is the present moment - the NOW. Do what we can to correct past mistakes and/or to prepare for the future. And then proceed with your decision without a continuous thinking and rethinking. If there is something you can do about it, do it.  If there is not, learn to accept and let it go.

Whenever you are doing something, let your focus be fully in the present moment. Set a goal, and learn to enjoy the journey (the process) - which is the present moment - and immerse yourself fully in the activity in hand.

Whenever you are with someone - be that your colleague, associate, friend, family member, your spouse or your child give him/her your full attention. If you are constantly distracted with what was in your past or what is to come, you will miss this very moment. And this moment, once gone, will never come again. Your full attention given to the one you are with is a precious precious gift to them and can go a long way in nurturing them (and yourself too).

Be in the NOW. Embrace it fully and be glad you have this time - this moment. Make full use of it for all we truly have is this moment NOW. 

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