02 May 2020

Minimize the continuous flow of the news (negative) (Part 1 of 5)

When we were kids, almost all decisions were made for us. What to wear, what to eat, and what to watch - these were all decided by our parents or caretakers.  What information we took in back then was very much out of our control.

Today, however, we do have greater autonomy. While many are so deeply conditioned to be passive recipients of decisions (and information) made with regards to our well-being, we do actually have a choice. I can appreciate that many of us feel this is not true. But that's part of the conditioning. It has become our norm. And you have the power to change that "norm." Start believing you do have control in many instances. Reclaim your power to decide - especially when it comes to what information you take in on a daily basis.

Social media is a buzz daily with frightening news. Family members, friends, associates, and colleagues - though with good intention - readily provide you with daily updates of the terrible news all around the world. In this period of pandemic - this can be seen even more rampantly. 

While I am not suggesting we bury our heads in the sand and not keep up to date, I am suggesting we CAN – minimize the steady stream of “negative” news we get daily. How many infected, how many have passed away, etc. How can it be helpful to continuously fill our lives with scary and unpleasant information? All that does is reinforce the idea of gloom and doom in a very very dark world.

Instead of checking every morning (or daily) on what terrible things are happening - checking on the number of death thus far and so on, look out for pleasant, happy, positive news. Whether that pertains to the current pandemic or otherwise, start filling your world view with the beauty of life, the wonderful things that are still happening daily, the joy of simple everyday living. If you look for them, you will see them.

Seeing these, feeling them, experiencing the many blessings that abound in our lives - be prepared to share these with others as well. You can be the beacon of light in a time when most others seem to find themselves in darkness.

Minimize your daily intake of "negative" news and begin the process of seeing positive and happy news that surrounds you. Do it NOW and see how quickly that can pick you up from a sense of fear, anxiety, and depression.


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